It's me...

It's me...

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Masih ragu...
Antara FK dan FTI...
Huuufffttt.... belum lagi keinginan untuk orientasi universitas. bukan lagi orientasi jurusan.
yaaah.... You know what I mean...!
I still doubt with that... Oh god... Mungkin kedua jurusan itu memiliki frekuensi dan tempat yang sama "sama-sama kuinginkan"...
but, I still hope I'll get the best in the Last...!
Ya Allah... Berikanlah yang terbaik untuk La... :)

Kamis, 18 November 2010

I miss That....

Everything is become bad when I thought about that...
I miss something...
Something that I've lost...
I don't know why, but it's so pinching me...
I am tired with it...

Actually, I hate this feeling. It's dangerous. I know...
But, I don't want to stop that...
maybe, I was so brave but maybe I was so fool...
Just a moody thing in my life...

I don't know what's the final decision...
I m too busy to think about that.
I don't care and I refuse that...
But, How can I do if the real fact, I can't refuse that...!